SureFast Polypropylene Polyester Strap Dispensing Trolley2.jpg_1

SureFast Polypropylene Polyester Strap Dispensing Trolley

The SureFast SF1641 Dispensing Trolley accepts polypropylene strapping coils used with hand tension tools.
  • Stand provides a safer working environment
  • Prevents strap from over-coiling
  • Core Diameter – 50mm
  • Available for export available for export

Key product features

The SureFast SF1641 Strapping Trolley for Polypropylene strapping is used to smoothly supply you with an organised stream of strapping that won’t get tangled.

The integrated break in the trolley will ensure you don’t accidentally pull too much strap so you don’t have to worry about wasting any material. Additionally, the SF1641 stand comes with a plastic bucket where tools and buckles can be stored.


Use Trolley to Save Strapping

When loose rolls of strapping are handled in busy warehouses they tend to have a lot of leftover material which in most cases is cut instead of untangled. Stands offer clutter-free workspace as well as financial savings.


Compatible with Black and White Polypropylene

Both white and black polypropylene strapping coils have the same core width – 50mm so they will perfectly fit this trolley.